So yesterday Meghan and i went to this park right by the water cause it was a huge storm out and was really windy and rainy and waves were crashing over the rocks and almost hitting the truck and it was fun. also i pretended to drive down this ramp into the water but then got scared so i stopped. when we were leaving there was like 30 seagulls all chillin in the parking lot so i just gaver through them and almost killed them all, then i looked to my side and there was this foreign family sitting in their car all laughing with their mouths hanging open and pointing and i'm like oh god lets leave... so we did.

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ok Caitlin's funds have officially depleted to absolutly nothing. yesterday i bought two passion ice tea lemonades from starbucks. it came to 5 dollars. gave them my debit card. didnt work. tried it again. didn't work. insuficient funds. cool. give them 4 dollars change and pay the last dollar on the card. the lady was like you can just take the money out of my tips if you want... im like please, no, and the guys like don't worry i know how it feels. wow. so untill tomorrow(pay day) i have 0 dollars. plus - 1500 owed to the parents for mexico. i'm hoping after a few months they'll just forget i owe them anything...

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yes i looked like a boy.

today i was trying to say the word "literary" and it was coming out wrong, then peter said 'little larry' then i said "peter has a little larry" then i laughed because sometimes i am so funny and told him i was going to put it on my blog. he thinks i'm crazy.

Porn Party:

Well i think in this case pictures are going to be worth more than 10000 words...

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traumatized haha
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oh man. i was watching the faces more than the tv. funniest ever.

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Global awareness night last night, Leck summed it up really well so i wont even try. the Office was awsome as usual aswell. UM right now i am in a pretty good mood, for a few reasons. i will list: reasons::
-porn party tonight, first and foremost. obviosly that's putting me in a good mood.
-re-tested a math test that i almost failed and ended up getting the highest in the class. oh what!
-i'm watching Ellen
-i'm drinking tea
-changed back into pjs
-ok my list keeps erasing so i'm stopping it

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Brother: "so what are you doin tonight?"
Caitlin: "goin to a Porn Party"
Brother: "A Porn Party eh? What type of porn?"
Caitlin: "Caleigh wants midget, but I dunno about that one, I don't care as long as it's not German..."

Went to the Noodle Box for the first time today. that was exciting. I've meant to go there so many times... there's always people walking around Vic with these sweet noodle boxes and i get jealous. It was pretty intense in there.

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Having the sweet friends that I have, we're starting this scrapbook thing... starting tonight. theres 19 girls doing it, and it works kind of like this..... tonight we give our book to the first person. I give mine to Caleigh and Katie gives me hers, then for the next week i make a page in Katies book about whatever, like grad and how she rocks + hella pics etc. so anyways at the end of the school year we get our books back with 19 pages from our friends and its cute. so i'm excited. also it will give me something to do when i'm bored instead of come on here. bonus.

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Ch chchchchchchcheck it. i cleaned my whole closet out and found some stuff from when i was in guides and brownies (that's when i was cool btw) . i just thught i'd give you a visual so you could see all my badges and the other shit that i got for doing god knows what. if i ever wore that hat someone should probably have killed me... but anyways

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i dont know how well porn + 20 girls is going to go over but we'll see.

This post is going to show some ADD i think..

my mom just came in and started saying something like nononono in a weird way and then was like, "hey caitlin i sounded like Fergie!" and i'm like "how do you know who that is?" "Cause i'm with it. I'm a hip mom" "hardly ...but ok"

Makin tea in your underwear
You went out in the yard to find

Something to eat and clear your mind
Something bad inside me went away

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funniest thing just happened. Caleigh phoned to give me the number for our travel agent (cause we have to pay by tomorrow ahh) and i thought she was going to get it, and i guess she thought i was getting a pen or something, so we both just sat there in silence for like 2 minutes, untill she was like caitlin? and i'm like oh god we are retards. the end

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Celebrity Jeopardy is deffinitely my favorite thing.

things you do with a pencil sharpener
members of Simon and Garfunkle
Countries between Mexico and Canada
potent potables
sharp things
movies that start with the word jaws
Animal Sounds
Your ass or a hole in the ground

"Lets move on to final jeopardy, and the category is.... you know what, just write a number, any number, any number and you win. we'll accept any number, any number at all... a one, or a two, or a three... or how about a four. it's that simple. i now you can do this. Lets start with Fred Stewart who's grinning like an idiot. you look pretty sure of yourself. Think you've got the right answer?"

"Yes i'm pretty sure of it alex"

"well all you had to do was write down a number... and you wrote... ThreEve. Combination of Three and Five. Simply Stunning. and you wagered, Texas with a dollar sign in front of it. I'm speechless. Mr Renolds?"

"ya dont bother, i didnt write anything."

"Good work. alright. Finally Mr Connery, the category was numbers and you wrote... the letter V, well i tell you what my friend, V is a roman numeral and despite your best efforts you answered correctly. lets see what you wagered...'Suck it Trebeck'"


yea cool i dont know why i just typed that all out. god i suck

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ok day 2 of post ADD. i just had a brilliant idea. how about i just make my blog all one post. so i start it now say, then publish the post a year from today adding every day. that would be intense. it would probably take a month to load and yes this was the worst idea ever

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Just did sweeeet on a bio test, and retested a shitty math test and i think it went well so school is feeling a little better right now. that wont last long but i'll enjoy it while it lasts.

Math + Tea time

Ok i had to write a post about this because it is amazing. my BFF (lol) just made the National team for Biathalon on Saturday. whaaaaaaaatttt? who makes the National team! frickin amazing. She got 2nd in Canada and is going to worlds this month. I could write 10000 pages about Jesss cause i love her and she is the most hardcore athlete ever and i'm so proud and sometimes she reads this so hey G!

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GEOFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy shit, i dont even know how this happened. Every day i wake up and scream in excitement because i cant belive where i am and what ive just done. Im not over it at all either!!!!!! ITs fricking amazing. So, the NATIONAL TEAM. You should see the gear that we have, we look soooooooooooo pro when we go places, and we have all these different sponsors and stuff, its actually a dream, i cant even begin to explain my life right now. WE HAVE A TEAM MASSAGE THERAPIST!!!! soooo....i get massages every day, when ever i like! We also have like a billion other people hired just to drive us around and wax our skis etc. ITs amazing. We eat out every single day too, so the food it obviously amazing . The team is awesome too, we have so much fun all the time. It makes such a big difference training with a team, cause theres more competition and more motivation in general. I LOVE IT. So were leaving for the US this monday, and i`m going to get to meet athletes from all over the world!! Plus Knuts athletes from norway, which i`m also really excited about cause he constantly talks about them. Maybe i can beat a couple of them. ahaha. HOLY SHIT I MISS YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!!! and now I dont get home till the 4th, but i promise when i get home you will be the first person i come see. We have a team meeting in couple of mins so i should go, its crazy how busy things have been. I love you and miss you like crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I want a personal message therapist! maybe if i make a ntional team of some sort i could get one. i always wanted to get really good at ping pong.... ok that's my goal this summer. make it on the national team for ping pong, get a message therapist and they can message my arms cause they will be sore from my ping pong exertions. etc. god i wish i was talented.

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When we were little people would ask us if we were twins. and we'd say no. and theyd be like so how many years apart are u? and we'd be like we're not sisters. and theyd be like yes you are. and we'd be alll likee noooo actualllyyy we're not...... and then they'd get mad and be like well it's clear that you are so stop lying. blah blah. oi! shut it. we're not. the end. i guess we don't really look like twins anymore.

No time for words. i need to do something productive.

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waffles in a bowl. mmmmm

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So i just sat through a painful hour of Oprah. i wanted to scream at her! how can she be such an insensitive bitch? she just makes everyone on her show feel like a peice of shit, and makes jokes about them to make herself feel better, and her pathetic crowd just laughs along with her. Then they all shake their heads when she does. The only intelligent thing she said the whole show was that America is really screwed up.

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mm pb&j

Steph says:
what was our one legged soilders name that was also a prostitute? from grade 5

Caitlin says:
holy shit

Steph says:
I bet you still have him

Caitlin says:
i forgot about that!

Steph says:

Caitlin says:
jesus we were cool

This picture of me is going in the yearbook. Thanks Peter (not) but that's ok it could be worse. It's going on the Global Awareness Group page so that makes me cool.

worst morning ever. what a bad start to the weekend. i'll break it down for you:
1)went to the walk-in clinic at 8:15. told me i had a 45 minute wait.
2)go to school to get some stuff/waste time. see my math teacher (who's class i was skipping.. to go to the dr tho so it wasnt that bad) he told me i failed my math test.
3) went back to the walk-in, sat there untill 10:15. (hour and a half wait)
4) dr talked to me for less than 3 minutes!
5) realised i locked my keys in my truck.
6) couldnt get a hold of anyone to drive me
7) caught the bus to school, missed my first two classes
8) got a ride home to get a key
9) got my stupid truck and went back to school
10) and that's about it but it made me want to cry.

i came straight home after school and my plan is to go to bed and watch the OC. then sleep.

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I've been coming home and having a nap everyday this week. long naps too, like multiple hours... it's not even because i'm tired, which i always am anyways, i'm just too stressed to be awake these days. hahah that sounds sad and depressing but it's true. i feel like crying for 2 hours and getting it all out but then i'll only feel relaxed for an hour and i'll want to sleep again. or something... maybe i should go to the gym. /join kickboxing and beat the shit out of someone to make me feel better.

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i don't even know if i'm working tomorrow morning untill tomorrow morning. how lame is that. so maybe i'll go to bed kind of early tonight. it's going to be weird getting payckecks again..

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Soccer's supposed to start up again on sunday. i'm pretty much done with soccer. way too lazy and i was planning on going boarding so maybe i'll ditch. ...... .... . . ... . . .. .. . . .. . ..... . . ... . .. .

something funny happened today but i forget.

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Oficially no more learning in Biology and math. as soon as we finished the last sentance in bio i got all stoked and i'm like wooooooo grad 26 and the teacher laughed and i'm like f ya. so happy and de-stressed right now. cool. cool cool cool coool cool.

Today in English Peter announced that there is going to be a Spice Girls reunion tour. You can bet i'll be there. We all started screaming etc, and the teacher's like what? the Spice Girls suck. sorry but, they don't. that teacher is funny, the other day we made her say "Hella". i laughed.

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Just looking in my phone right now, there's so much going on in the next couple months it's insane. mostly february. but still. next friday is a porn party. yeaa pretty much a bunch of perverted girls watching porn on a 52" tv. this is how we celebrate our 18th birthdays. sad i know. actually no its cool. Very stoked for the Vancouver trip comin up and hopefully/maybe some camping. we will see.

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today i bought this stuff called kanka, for canker sores. i've had this canker for like 4 days and i'm having trouble talking/eating/laughing because it rubs against my tooth and hurts like a bitch. like a bitch. anyways, i bought this stuff that like forms a protective coat and numbs it. i wasn't capable of putting it on myself because i suck i guess... so Meghan put it on for me. i know, sick... well she put on an excessive amount and i accidentally started laughing and it got on my tongue and now the whole left side of my mouth and tongue are numb and its hard to talk. i think i swallowed some too because my throat feels missing.

just thought you'd like to know....

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anyways. i hate when this page goes back randomly and i lose a whole post. WTFUCK. oh well not like anything important was lost. i don't remember anything i wrote about so i'm just going to make this one as long and boring as possible. are you excited?

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Today there is actually blue sky. leck and i pretended it was summer this morning and wanted to go swimming. but i guess it's still a bit too cold for that maybe. a bit. my stomach/head hurts. i think my stomach hurts from the macdonalds i just ate. i hate when i give in to my stupid quarter pounder hangover cravings. it obviosly doesn't make me feel any better so i don't know why i do it. oh well. too late now.

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I'm playing poker tonight! i'm excited. i don't actually remember how to play so everyone will just be getting mad at me and i might cry because of their mean words. whenever i play i always go on a team cause i suck. and one time i tried to learn and downloaded poker stars which turned out to be one of the most stressful experiences of my life.

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some beatbox-poetry people came to our school yesterday blahblah i remember this poem and it is cute:::::

The Quiet World

In an effort to get people to look
into each other's eyes more,
and also to appease the mutes,
the government has decided
to allot each person exactly one hundred
and sixty-seven words, per day.

When the phone rings, I put it to my ear
without saying hello. In the restaurant
I point at chicken noodle soup.
I am adjusting well to the new way.

Late at night, I call my long distance lover,
proudly say I only used fifty-nine today.
I saved the rest for you.

When she doesn't respond,
I know she's used up all her words,
so I slowly whisper I love you
thirty-two and a third times.
After that, we just sit on the line
and listen to each other breathe.

Jeffrey McDaniel

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Caitlin says:
what should i write about on my faggot blog?

waited for confidence cause surely it's given, at the last moment so you can die living says:
peeing in a cup

Caitlin says:
hey i did that today

Caitlin says:

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SO school is a bitch these days, and my teachers like to remind me that if i didn't start studying 2 weeks ago i'm pretty much screwed. so i'm pretty much screwed. i bought these 2 binders and started re-writing all my bio and math notes but it's taking bloody forever and i don't know if i'll be able to get through all of them. it sucks because i actually started caring about my grades and it's kind of too late to do anything about it seeing as there's only a couple weeks left of this semester.

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blahblahblahblah words

About me

  • I'm Cait
  • From British Columbia, Canada
  • My profile

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