HI>>>>.<<. my two days off have been fantastiiic. I'm sad they're over. but also, no. because tomorrow is Canada day. and nothing else matters. best day of the year and i'm getting shitfaceted after work. we're heading downtown and hopfully not going to die on the way there. I have so many pictures I want to upload but I've gone over my limit, and I guess i'll have to wait untill tomorrow... buuuut it's Canada day and i'm pretty sure i wont be sitting on the computer uploading pictures. there will be a lot from Can day too so it might be picture overload soon.

went to walmart a few minutes ago to buy an air matress but they didnt have any? since when fags.

Leck and i went to the lake for a bit today and jumped off this dead tree sticking out of the water. it was impossible to balance so i sucked but it was awsome.

Went to Island view beach wednesday night/day. well first me and leslie and jaime showed up at 6 and there were a bunch of younger people having a "party" so we crashed it and ate their hotdogs and drank their pop. peaced and got some tea and chocolate covered espresso beans. back to the beach... then drove home and got a ride back so i didn't have my truck, which meant some beers were drank. Leck came after work and we all chilled and listened to nathaniel and dave play bongos and guitar.

Went to the beach yesterday with Leck, where he got a pen jammed in his van door and it wouldnt close. we had to drive back to his place with the door open and it was super ghetto and funny. i have a video but i don't know how to put it on here.

lay on my lawn for a bit, then turned on the sprinklers and played some intense frisbee. Chilled it with Peter after that, went to Robyn's house for a goodbye bbq for Kayla... rolled over to the market, got some chow-mein, ate it by the beach then rented the Weatherman which is a super good movie, and as Peter said, I hate Nicholas Cage with a passion so really that's saying something.

headin to white spot in a bit, then back to sidney where we're kickin off the Canada day weekend with some fireworks! cute.

YESSSS! 2 days off for meeeee! I am in the best mood right now. Leck just stopped by and i'm thinking off all the stuff i need to do before i go back to work on saturday. I love being busy and having a list of things to do. I planned some things out in my phone planner. i need to make time to go shopping because i need more work clothes, summer clothes, and birthday present for Leck. also a hat so i can fill it with water and dump it on my head at work. it will be a little more professional than standing under the hose dripping everywhere/all over customers who look at me like i'm crazy.

oh yea... i got my paycheck today, after 11 days of work, and it's only $150 more than my usual ones. WHAaatttwtttt!! how is that possibleeee. it wasnt even worth all of my pain and heat stroke.

my shoulders are getting blistery and bumpy from sun exposure. not good.

WIMBLEDON HAS COMMENCED. lets hope i have time to watch.

whoa! ok a post. i haven't died yet and i'm on day 10 of work. only one more to go because i complained and said i would pass out if i had to work 13. and yea it was supposed to be 13!!! is that illegal? getting paid minimum wage, 8 hour shifts for 13 days? i think so. but anyways its only 11 now, and I have to work canada day but its just untill 5 so it's ok. Canada day is so soon i can't believe it! we were supposed to get a hotel room like last year but we forgot and now they're all booked. oh well. maybe ill sleep in lecks van if he lets me...

I have lots to say but i just got off work and my brain is hot and not functioning at 100%. been going to the lake the last couple of days... might meet some people from work there in a bit. but maybe not because i'll be awkward around all of the people i dont know. Leck and i got the best deal at Theo's last night... Steak and Spaghetti for $9.95!! yes! so good. i was all about it.

Tomorrow i'm working my last day of 11 then probably having a long nap. maybe camping at Island View that night if i'm not too pooched. Thursday means thursday market and I've missed the first two because of grad and being in a bad mood. But I'm going to this one, with Peter, and i'm stoked! i love the markets so much. they're just so cute and all of sidney comes out to these things.

that's about all I can write right now, I need to have a nap, so I'll be back soon. peaaceeee

my brain is driving me crazy. i wish i could turn of all thoughts/filter them and tell the depressing ones to fuck off.

i had a cry attack last night/ this morning/at work, but i'm feeling a little better. i'm just emotional.... anyways. i'm done school officially so that's some good news. i think... im done day 3 of 12 days of consecutive work and i'm still not seeing how i'm going to get through this. especially now since I have shit all to look forward to after works done. Leck's working 5-12 6 days a week now and i work during the day, which pretty much means i'll never see him. perfect timing! fuckkkk im so choked about it all. i shouldnt be such a baby but we had so much sweet stuff planned, even if it wasn't exciting it was with him so it was sweet. anyways, i guess it will all work out in the end.

The last two days everyone has been on a yearbook signing frenzy. officially my least favorite time of year. ok... lets see who can get the most signitures from people you don't know, but watch from the distance and think is cool. OH and maybe if they sign your yearbook people will think you're cool and MAYbeee you'll think you're cool too. I hate how everyone expects you to write something touching and thoughtful in their yearbooks while you have 10 being pushed in front of your face all asking for the same thing. #1, i dont have time to remember anything we did together let alone write a novel on it. #2 we never hung out, once, what's your name? why am i signing this? #3 don't expect something thoughtful written in yours if all you wrote in mine was "woo gr 26! lets hang out. peace". people get way too worked up about those things... im not down.

worked after school then went to Bazin Bay where our grad was having a bbq on the beach. It wasn't our whole grad class but there was about 50 people or so there so it was good times. i ate a lot and then felt full, but i forgot about that when i got an ice cream sandwich with my FREE DQ VOUCHER!!!!!

chilled on the peir a bit, then rolled home. Leck came over after work and I was a mess of sad. see above. he left at about 2 so i was kind of tired waking up at 7 to go to work. work wasn't even too bad... my shoulders got burnt, but it went quickly and leck stopped by for a lunchbreak visit.

I guess the plan tonight is to have a nap, finish cleaning my room and watch some gay movie with a friend.

ps my room is beautiful after hours of slaving and cleaning and vacuming and dusting and rearranging.

Today was day 1 of 12, consecutive days of work. 10 of them 8 hour shifts. I'm really trying not to think about it because I don't know how i'm going to do it. It's going to be burning hot all day long, watering plants... going crazy. I started going crazy working there last summer, it was just so hot, the sun would play tricks with my mind. There's a big palm tree out front and it has fur all over it, and last summer i started scratching it because I thought it was a dog. its true and Im scared for what i will do when i go crazy this week. because it will happen.

My hairdresser came into work today and was really awkward. I was trying to change the water wand on the hose but i forgot to turn the water off so it was spraying everywhere and he's like "way to suck. " great. Luckily he didn't bring up the hairshow because I'm thinking about saying no and that would get even more awkward.

We got our yearbooks today. I'm actually in it a lot this year, the past years i was never in it so i guess it was making up for it. and yes, i look retarded in every one. Tomorrow is the official last day of school ever. normally i wouldnt go but I have to finish commenting my code and email my teacher my website etc. plus he said we're going to have a party ("computer related of course!"). I'm going to miss that class.

oh yea, i think my ipod's breaking... because it wont really hook up to the computer anymore, so it wont charge or load music etc... it's making me angry. that reminds me... at the after grad there were 100's of draw prizes and stuff and i was all stoked because i thought maybe i had a chance to win something.... my name got called pretty early and i won a water bottle and 12 passes to panorama recreational center. i was like YESS! but then people started winning, dvd players, ipods, portable dvd players, cds, tickets to RHCP!!... then i got sad. Peter won a car. that was the best ever. ya! pete!

Oh yea, you might have noticed we got shirts made that say grad two -six. my friends brother made them and theyre dope. cool

just got home from camping up at Burnt Bridge. it was pretty intense, i'm so tired right now and feel like puking a lot. Me, Leslie Kevin and Dave caught the ferry over to Mill Bay, then rolled over to the campsite where there was already hella people. I thought everyone would pooch out cause everyone was so tired, but so many people came it was crazy.

The best part was the people that never ever drink who came up and got hammered for the first time. it was funny.

I brought up a flat, expecting to be there for two nights but i came home early because I was way too tired. Not too much sleep at all and i was pissed off cause some fags from Cowichan came and stole/burnt our shit. ie, 5 coolers were burnt down to nothing (including mine!), so much beer stolen, my tent was ripped across the whole door, bunch of folding chairs put in the fire. we were all sleeping. I dont know what that was about...

Other than that though it was sweet. lots of people, lots of randoms, lots of drinking. now it's time to sleep.

finally grad's over. i feel so free... and stuff... Longest day/days ever. im so pooched right now. Grad was good though... I didn't fall or anything getting my diploma etc. it was such a long day, with breakfast at katies house, driving to pictures in our whale bus (the whale flew off on the highway), pictures, rehearsals, the ceremony, pictures, dinner dance, the after grad untill 6 am...

The after grad had so much stuff to do, I didn't know what to do with myself. i rocked it at karaoke though... savage garden and spice girls obvs. frickin sweet. There was a crazy magician there, i couldn't even handle. pretty much doing the craziest stuff and my mind hurt. i tried to record some of it.

The armchair cynics played and i chilled at the side drinking cup after cup of coffee... bad idea, ended up making me feel like shit/wanting to puke. Mezmer the hypnotist was crazy too, so funny watching those things.

slept for a couple of hours when i got home at 7, then leck came over for a bit before he rolled up island.

My parents, as a grad present told me they would pay for my plae ticket to europe so i'm stoked. also got a new digi cam so that is sweet also.

more pics here if you care.

Im sitting in computer programming class right now. Just to let you know a little bit about what goes on daily... I'm sitting here by myself, the only girl. my teacher is desperately trying to get a live feed of the Germany-Poland game, yelling such cuss-words as, 'Oh for pittys sake!" and "gosh darn". ohoh, now it is "the best thing about computers is they do exactly what you tell them. the worst thing about computers is they do exactly what you tell them"... He's currently dowloading real player to display the game but isn't having much luck....

The people behind me are creating master video games that they could sell to playstation at any day. I'm sitting here blogging and haven't made any progress on my website in 2 weeks. I've just about given up completely. actually, yes... I have, seeing as this will probably be my last day in this class.

Theres part of the site... see how the font is black? that's what has been killing me for the last 2 weeks. it wont read my style sheet and because it's making me so angry i'm getting worried about my nerd factor. oh well. also thats a movie at the bottom and shit moves etc.

I slept through my alarm this morning and missed breakfast with friends. it sucked and I was hungry.

At lunch we painted posters for our whale bus. they said "whale bus" and "just gradded" for the back. I cut out waves for the sides, and we're going to black out the windows with paper so noone can see us + christmas lights. tacky is deffinitely our goal.

update on the soccer game... he now has sound. someones working on cutting out the sound of the crowd but i'm not sure it's working out too well.

ok so it may be a few days before my next post because tomorrow is grad. schedual: i will be getting up at 6 am, getting my hair done at 7 am, going to katies and dianes at 9 am, riding our whale bus to pictures at 11:30am, at some point goin to Uvic for ceremonies, then dinner dance, then the after grad, which goes untill 6 am the next morning. out for breakfast with the friends if i can stay awake. short nap. see leck. head up to Burn Bridge untill sunday for some camping. should be good times but i'm going to be lonely in my tent because Leck can't come :( im really sad about that. oh well he'll have fun at quadra.

Camping will be sweet though, we're going to stop at the superstore and buy tons of food and tons of water. i'm gonna bring up a flat of Canadian so that will do me for a couple of days. hopefully the weather holds out. so anyways I guess i will be back sunday, expect a long boring post then. ok cool.

The tennis tourny was a joke and a half. what a waste of time. I only played because this teacher wouldnt leave me alone. anyways there were only like 4 people playing... i only played once, lost, and got silver. how does that work? anyways its totally embarrassing because we get our pic in the paper and stuff. so lame. uhg.

well i finished jPod a week ago and thought I'd do a little review of my own...

For the most part enjoyed it, the story line was way too weird. The random things this guy/family gets up to are just dumb. usually im down with a book with a different kind of plot but this was pretty stupid. I guess that's what he was goin for but it seemed like he didn't know what to write about so he just made up all these crazy things these characters could get up too. A lot of it was fairly clever and I loved how it was so nerdy. The book made me hate douglas coupland when i was reading it, i was like, what a dick, who does he think he is? anyways, Raymi said it best: "he reminds me of those girls who wear shirts with BITCH written on them or BABY or SPOILED etc". Oh yea, also the parents reminded me of the mom and dad from Bridget Jones' Diary... kind of crazy and stuff. yea

one more day of school for me. thank god. we're decorating our whale bus tomorrow night, which isn't actually a whale bus, but a large van used for transporting people going on a whale watching tour or whatever. My friend wanted to put a blow up whale on the roof with a blow up doll riding it but i dont know if that going to happen. Im not sure if any of us have a blow up doll lyin around. im so happy we got a van instead of a limo. we save like $120 each plus get to ride a dope van all ghetto like. yess!

felt an earthquake today and had a minor heart attack. I was in the middle of a field so i'm like yes! the perfect time to have the big one! but then i had to go into a gym with hundreds of kids and practice for the grad ceremony. not such perfect timing for a large earthquake... but we're still alive so it's all good.

wow! buzy weekend. that's for sure. and no pictures to show for it because my brother stole it camping. asshole. lots of crazy photo ops and i missed them all :( oh wells.

Chilled it with Peter on friday. i wont bring up how he was really really late... (40min!!!!%@$!#@) fuck! just kidding peter. i had a nice nap. We rolled out to Esquimalt area to watch Laura Smith and she was amazing and did a freakin good cover of the foo fighters song, Everlong. so good. Stuck around for a bit of this other guys set then peaced because it was hard to handle. peter got mad because i was making weird sound effects/noises. im sorry peter...

went to my friends for a partay, which turned out to be intensely fun/techno dance party/sweat a lot dancin... but unfortunately the dick Sidney cops showed up.... they took it kind of far and cuffed my friend in his backyard and like threw him on the ground... it was classic. chilled it untill my eyes hurt so i peaced to my bed. Had a sweet day at work because i wasn't hungover for once.

Met up with Leck, we had frisbee practice. obvssss. 8-4 monday-saturday, sundays 10-2. ok it wasnt a practice but we are pro. btw. xtrm. bought tons of food at the store an made an amazing dinner + wine. steak, scalloped potatoes, broccoli, mushrooms, salad, dinner rolls. turned out we ate at 10pm. i guess we took a while to make it... drove up to the observatory but it was closing so we drove to mount doug, which was amazing. slept. then. woke up, then got some coffee, then went to Smittys, thennn went to my house thennn ate some dried mangoes, ate some dinner with the grandpa, drove standard to the tennis courts....... woooooooooooo, thennnnn drove back to lecks, thennnnn tried to swim in a lake but it was too cold, sooo we went back to the observatory because it was open. pretty crazy up there. way too many bugs though. then. ate some kettle chips. i think i have add. it kills me to write a normal sentance... anywaysss

appearently i have to play in a tennis tourny tomorrow. this is going to be really really embarrassing... I played with my mom and Leck tonight and it didn't go so well. I have no more tennis skills. :( I havent played in almost a year but have no excuse to say no. this creepy teacher who's a pedophile bugs me about it almost every day. he changed the date so its on a day i can make it... what a weirdo. he thinks im good. too bad i'm not and last year a butch german girl slaughtered me. fuck im screwed.

oh well. 3 days of school left then im outta there. grad's going to be the longest day of my lifeee! ahhhh. hair appointment on the 15th at 7 am! then all the shit that happens on grad untill like 11 that night, then it's the after grad untill 6am the next morning! that night we're headin up to shawnigan lake to camp and drink unhealthy amounts. it's a ghetto campsite but it's good cause they dont give a shit what you do and no one expects anyone to be quiet. so, a busy few days coming up, then after camping i'm working 11 full days in a row. we'll see if I survive that one.

well fuck, this was long and lacking pictures. so whats new

anyways. just got back from Lecks. we watched Hotel Rwanda. i didn't cry as much as the first time i saw it.

Today I was in a bad mood because i woke u and it was raining. umm what happened to that forecast where it said sunny in the high 20's for 14 days... all of a suden its rainy for the next 2 weeks. GREAT! thanks weatherguys for instilling false hope into the homes of Sidneygoers city wide! fags. the rain was really inconveniant today because I got my hair done and straightened. and what is straight hairs worse enemy? rain of course. oh well. i made sure it was well hidden...

Went to pick out corsages at Thrifties today. I really didn't care about mine as long as it semi matches my dress. we ended up getting white mini roses.... cool? obviosly i was hungry. when am i not? so we went for some foods. i ate a huge amazing bacon cheddar burger. then booked it to my truck which was getting fixed. (new brakes).

appearently i have the dentist tomorrow.... i totally forgot, then grad rehearsals... so no work. which is kind of a bummer since i'll be missing it on tuesday too and I need money.

oh yea.. back to getting my hair done. so my hairdresser wants me to be a hair model for this national competition and i'm really scared. mostly because he said I have to sign my hair over to him and he's going to do whatever. he kind of explained what he would do... and it was intense. really long parts and realllllyyyy short... plus like some sketch colors... he said he could redo the colors after and give me extensions but its still kind of intense. He would do our hair one day, then the next we have wardrobe, get our makeup done, then a photoshoot. he said theyd take about 200 pictures :| ummmmmm awkward. think of how many horrible pictures will be on those 200! ahh then they'll send away the good pictures to the competition and he said they'll be published! eekkhhhh i'm still thinking about it, but maybe i should just for the experience...

All of a suden i'm covered in mosquito bites. thats the one thing i didn't miss about the summer, the amount of bugs that swarm me constantly and think it's okay to use my blood as food. sorry, it's not!

Also I had to watch the creepiest birds ever all day at work. one would puff up really big and start vibrating and open it's mouth, probably because it thought that was sexy.... and the other one would just chill and watch it but they were hanging around beside me all day and i was getting scared. my boss thought it was dying, and i thought i was laying eggs but it didn't die, and there were no eggs at the end of the day, so im assuming it was some kind of mating thing....

Me and Leck are going to the Imax tonight because he won tickets on the radio. I'm kind of forcing him to go because it's Nascar and kind of gay, and also the apprentice finale is on so we'll be missing that. (obviosly we're taping it)

I had amazing Quizno's for lunch today. I brought a salad but i was way too hungry and a salad isn't very satisfying...

oh yea... bad news. I have to give the Mario Kart game back to my friend so I/we will be going through mario kart withdrawl. UHG!

I just ran/jumped down my hall like a huge fag and hit my elbow on the wall and now i'm in excrutiating pain. great.

hi there! i've been kind of busy hence lack of updates but thats aight. last week has been pretty busy with things. had a couple of job interviews... one with the government which was more of a get to know one another and see what's available. really hoping that will work out.

bought some sweet pants that i couldn't resist buying even though i'm trying to save for Europe. theyre so comfy and i feel like im not wearing any pants when i wear them. YES! also a couple of shirts. fuck i suck at saving.

drank lots on friday. well actually, it was more the, beer before liquer never been sicker rule that i decided to ignore... didnt sleep too much that night, couldnt turn out the lights for so long cause i had the spins, then tried to chug water laying down and it poured all over me so i had to change my pjs. very classy. anyways work the next day was the worst ever. my fault though so i guess i can't complain. stomach ache stuck around for most of the next night too. started feeling really sick so I don't know what was up there...

met up with lecks after work, rolled over to the Oak Bay Tea Party... which is actually a fair in a park by the beach... we didn't feel like going on rides so we chilled on the beach and listened to some music that the old people were really enjoying.

Sunday went to whitespot, for breakfast (1:00) and ate hamburgers. mmm. watched the cutest old man eat his eggs benedict and we were on comfy chairs. rolled downtown looking for a hippie sweater at hemp stores but we couldn't find it so we went back to my place and played maro kart. obviosly.....

OK HI! so this is the new blog. looks the same doesn't it? well it is the same. just located a little further to the left in the blogosphere. open it like a cat. thanks to dan for inspiring the name. back in december that is how he reffered to opening a beer. jawsome. so don't expect this blog to get good or anything. maybe i'll be more open now that my friends/ friends' parents don't read it anymore. but its not going to turn into a bitch blog either. alright it's time to shut the eyes. bye kids

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  • I'm Cait
  • From British Columbia, Canada
  • My profile

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