English Bay yo

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Just got back from a super sweet weekend/sunday-monday. It was deffinitely good times. better than good. amazing. very eventful, and we kept things interesting. just a warning i took a billion pictures, and no i'm not putting them all up here but there is a lot.

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Caught the 9oclock ferry over and i was super stoked. ate some hashbrowns and a muffin... it's hard to remember back to yesterday morning. i'm feeling sick and sleep deprived... but anyways ferry ride over was good, watched people, took pictures of guys sleeping, Leck made a vancity cd which was dooopee

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drove around most of van, looking for hotels and gas stations and banks etc. where the hell are all the gas stations?! i don't think they have more than 2 in the whole city! gawd. Started counting the number of crack whores, lost count after about 13.

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Decided on a place in English Bay, which was kind of at the other end of van than GM place but it was a nicer area i think. This was our view. cute

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I wanted to go swimming in this pool, but leck said no :( sad.

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Hmm then what? oh yea, being the alcoholics we are, we walked for miles and miles to find a cold beer and wine store. found it then had the long walk back to our hotel. Picked up some chase at macks, and Leck tried to speak punjabi to this guy at the counter. at first we thought he understood cause he like nodded. then he paused and he's like "what did u say to me?!"

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Yard Sale

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We had half an hour before meeting up with Smelly, so we're like ok lets get this done fast. bad idea, caitlin got hammered. we didnt have any shot glasses and i'm not down for shots out of mugs so we just mixed some drinks.

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luckily Milestones where we were meeting was just at the end of the street, so there wan't much walking involved. thank god

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I should turn this post into a "Smelly, sorry for being a spaz post." gawd i could barely order. anyways she rocks and distracted us with her camera while she payed our bill!! what!!? we're like " where's the bill at?" "it's taken care of" gossshhh, too kind. We'll be buying dinner for Smelly when she comes over to the island for sure.

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we took her back to our hotel room, to kidnap her and take pictures to put on our blogs... actually no we just drank more and took pictures and video and the usual.

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we are cool

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crazy kids...

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Danielle gave us a ride to GM place, which was amazing cause we dont know how to get anywhere. THANKS AGAIN!

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The game was totally intense! I dont know who watched it but it was sweeet.

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Our seats were way at the top cause i suck at buying tickets, but they were fine, we drank even more, and watched the intense game. It went into overtime and i deffinitely thought the canucks were screwed. Minnesota had a power play and yea it wasn't looking good, but then we scored! fuck yeeaaaaaa it was awsomeeee.

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Our plan was to take a bus back to the hotel... well actually we didn't have a plan and we ended up walking all the way back :| it was raining too but i didnt really notice. pretty much walked from one end of van to the other i dont know how we made it without getting lost but we did.

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Leck was crack walking so i did too. the plan was to be more sketch than any of the other people on the street so they would be scared of us ps.

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didn't drink anymore, which was probably a good thing. we left the rest for the cleaning lady. you're welcome. Didn't really sleep cause the crack whores decided to have a party outside the building. i think they were playing a game, called "the crack whore who screams the loudest gets free crack" so they were all pretty excited about that. then it got really windy and loud and i don't know..

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Woke up still drunk blahblah got on the ferry, ate some whitespot, which deffinitely was a bad idea. captain mo's was disagreeing with my stomach already and the legendary burger didn't help. not to mention it was the Perfect Storm! minus the torrential rain, dark menacing clouds and 100 foot waves. so it was just reallly wavy. puke. ANYWAYS we frickin made it home without getting eaten by the ocean. it's really nice out now. caitlin is going to sleep untill tomorrow now.

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