drinking to yesterday's news

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Global awareness night last night, Leck summed it up really well so i wont even try. the Office was awsome as usual aswell. UM right now i am in a pretty good mood, for a few reasons. i will list: reasons::
-porn party tonight, first and foremost. obviosly that's putting me in a good mood.
-re-tested a math test that i almost failed and ended up getting the highest in the class. oh what!
-i'm watching Ellen
-i'm drinking tea
-changed back into pjs
-ok my list keeps erasing so i'm stopping it

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Brother: "so what are you doin tonight?"
Caitlin: "goin to a Porn Party"
Brother: "A Porn Party eh? What type of porn?"
Caitlin: "Caleigh wants midget, but I dunno about that one, I don't care as long as it's not German..."

Went to the Noodle Box for the first time today. that was exciting. I've meant to go there so many times... there's always people walking around Vic with these sweet noodle boxes and i get jealous. It was pretty intense in there.

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Having the sweet friends that I have, we're starting this scrapbook thing... starting tonight. theres 19 girls doing it, and it works kind of like this..... tonight we give our book to the first person. I give mine to Caleigh and Katie gives me hers, then for the next week i make a page in Katies book about whatever, like grad and how she rocks + hella pics etc. so anyways at the end of the school year we get our books back with 19 pages from our friends and its cute. so i'm excited. also it will give me something to do when i'm bored instead of come on here. bonus.

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Ch chchchchchchcheck it. i cleaned my whole closet out and found some stuff from when i was in guides and brownies (that's when i was cool btw) . i just thught i'd give you a visual so you could see all my badges and the other shit that i got for doing god knows what. if i ever wore that hat someone should probably have killed me... but anyways

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i dont know how well porn + 20 girls is going to go over but we'll see.

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