Andrea and i caught the 9:00 ferry over to vancouver. We played cards, i bought some batteries amd drank a lot of cream things.
we caught 3! busses to get to UBC. we made some friends on the busses that were goin there too but we got split up cause we ended up on the wrong bus. One of them was scottish and we took a 'secret' picture of him cause we're that creepy.
anyways we got there ok at around 1:00. I saw
Raymi and
Phil walk by. I got excited, sadly haha.
The first band that played,
Tupelo Honey, were pretty good... the lead singer told his friend he was looking at this girl in the audience with black and red hair aka. andrea. pretty exciting! hehe
The second band was Stabilo who were veryy good. We were pretty close up. near the 2nd row but then it started to get really busy so we just went and lay down at the back. We found Brett from Sidney so we hung out with him for a while.
Heres a big wedgie:
Metric was next! i was so excited for them and they were amazing. Probably my favorite of the day. The mosh pit was getting really crazy and it was hard to move so we escaped from there and watched from a safer distance.
We saw the BIGGEST man ever! i ran after him and took a picture because it was amazing. His legs ended at our shoulder height:|
K-os was next! He was awsome but unfortunately we found ourselves in the middle front of the biggest mosh pit ive ever been involved in. Everyone was so drunk and violent and you couldnt move more than 1 inch in any direction. Plus there was a wheelchair in front of me (i dont know why the hell anyone would bring a wheelchair in there..)anyways by that time my feet weren't even on the ground anymore and i was practically riding this guy in front of me... Andrea and i got split up and at one point i thought broke my arm haha but i survived and made it out alive... So ya K-os was sweet.
We left before Matthew Good started becaue we needed to find a phone (ours weren't working) but we came back and watched around 4 of his songs wich were soo good, but by that time everyone had evacuated the beer garden and were all around the stage so i could barely see him. The whole concert, stupid assholes were throwing things at the stage (K-os told everyone to stop) anyways they kept throwing things at Mathew & band (shoes, a wrench, water bottles, a broken umbrella handle etc). he stopped playing and started yelling at the guy who threw the wrench that almost hit his guitarist. He threatened to stop playing which i think he should have done, but he finished his set.
"you know what dude? Fuck you. I didnt fucking come here to have something thrown at my fucking head. Someone find the fucking asshole who did that. cause i'm not fucking down with that." Then i cant unserstand the rest (i recoreded it haha)
Most people had left by this point:
After cutting off a poster off a wall Andreas dad picked us up and drove us to the ferry where we ate so much food and fell asleep.
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