"If i had a genie i'd ask for a penis for a day"

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All of yesterday was pretty random i'd say.

I don't even know how to begin to explain this bed.... it was so amazing. Jasmin was telling me about it all day and i'm like whatever it's a bed, how good can it be? well it was better than good. jamie/kevin yelled at us for 20 minutes to get out, but it was almost physically impossible. the mattress.... oh man ok i can't even explain. here's a visual:
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ya i know i just wrote a paragraph about a bed. get over it

They made some breakfast foods and i watched because eggs make me want to puke. then they just dumped a bunch of food into the pan (ie frozen blueberrys...) anyways

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maria and i did some random things drove around a bit, got some coffee/ ordered a large pizza from odyssia at 4:00. we were the only ones in the resteraunt except some 90 year olds and a baby.

Bought some hair dye cause maria was feeling adventurous, peaced to my house/watched the oc.

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Went to Dean Park for a few hours...

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The Dog was walking me in that picture btw. incase u missed that haha. wow we're cool. oh ya and check out that speaker chillin on the shelf there... right after that pic it fell off and i whipped around and caught it mid fall. it made a huge dent in the wall and i probably went on for an hour about how skilled i was with my ninja reflexes. that dog was sweet.

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we stole kellys disposable camera and took a picture of my boobs on it so she'd puke when she develops it, but meghan took one on my camera then looked at it cause she's a pervert (kidding meghan you're not...) ;)

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I dont even know what to say about that hat, and why its on my head.

maria and i peaced out cause we had better things to be doing. not really, went back to sidney, saw some boys at kfc, went to leslie's for a bit etcetc blahblah went home because i was pooched and had to work in the morning. sweet deal.

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Work today was pretty sweet. I get there in the morning and the store was all decorated for Christmas and i was so happy i almost teared. There was even a real christmas tree so it smelled like christmas. pretty much a dream come true. My boss probs thinks im sketch cause i went on for like 10 minutes about how i was so excited it was christmasy. There was an intense rain storm for most of the day and the roof is like tin so it was so loud but we blasted the heat and i typed on the computer for 8 hours. cool. Last week i almost died of cold cause she had the door open and no heat so i made sure that wouldnt happen again this week. check it: 8 layers of shirts/sweaters/jackets. 2 layers of pants and 2 pairs of socks. I could hardly move my arms and i looked like the michelin man. i think you can conclude i look like shit at work. mhmm

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All my plans keep getting cancelled this weekend and it's making me angry. So now i'm sitting at home blogging because the rave wasn't all ages tonight. Tomorrow my soccer game's cancelled, which doesnt really matter cause i wouldnt be playing,... but jasmin and i made plans to go for coffee in the morning/ watch the game and bring techno with us to pump up the players and sketch out on the sidelines. I can't even be productive tonight cause all my crap's at marias. uhuhuhhh

Oh ya i appearently had a myspace account that i didn't know about... but now i do and here is the link. right.......here

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