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i worked for 9 hours today... at my old job that i had quit. oh and it was raining. i said i'd cover because a couple of them were going to a garden show in vancouver. i guess i wouldnt really call what i did today work, the only shitty part was that it was cold and raining but i could take cover and drink hot chocolate when it got bad. i took almost a 2 hour break then a 5 hour one after that... i dont know when i'll get paid... i'm guessing it will be in cash.

I need to make the phonecall that will start me on a 9-5 but i'm scared to pick up the phone. i do really need to start making money so i can pay off the few thousand i owe and start saving so i can move out.

i also need to upload pictures but im too lazy, i also can't find the time which is weird because it's not like im doing much, i don't go to school or work...

i'm just on here because im waiting for leck to come over. he has to beat the queen on starfox first ;) the good thing about him moving back to his mom's is its about a 1 minute drive from my house. we're going to make dinner and my mom suggested we play some games tonight so maybe we'll bond it up with the fam and put on a fire. celebrate fall a day early.

funny story (not):
I got a bit of a stomach in europe. nothing to scary or anything but the whole time im like uhggg i need to eat healthy my tummys getting big. and the whole time leck was like shutup you're not getting fat and my aunt was like um no. anyways the second i come home my mom tells me my dad thinks i'm pregnant. thanks dad

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