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im so tired and sick right now. godddd i hate sick. this will be short becaues the screen is making my eyes hurt. last night drank a lot, it was almost a repeat of the bathtub night, maybe because there hasnt been too much excessive drinking lately. anyways there are pictures but i'll leave them out. had a soccer game this morning. greaatt!! felt good for that one! no. almost died in the first half hour, but it seemed to get better as it went on. We were playing snobby oak bay who beat us 7-0 last time we played them. i was all bummed and being negative cause i wasn't down for another one of those games especially cause i felt like shit. we ended up winning 4-1. the other team hated us. girls soccer is funny cause we all make fun of eachother on the field and try to piss the other team off as much as possible.

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came home, had a shower, was supposed to go out and do something but i ended up going to bed at 1 and waking up at 5 30. which is now. my throat hurts. and i'm drinking water out of a Dr. Seuss cup. all of my muscles hurt and some girl kicked me in the ankle and it's bleeding. headache is still there and i need more water. but enough negativity, i needed to complain bout something because i've been in a sweet mood lately. becausseeeee i don't have to wait till i'm 18 to get my labret pierced anymore! which meannssss i'm doing it a couple days after i get back from mexico! fuck yes. ive been waiting for this bad boy for like 2 years now. + i will be tanned. cool.

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