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Sidney days has begun! I love Sidney because the whole community gets involved in all of the little events and its so cute. Yea, they're not that exciting usually but we make it into good times. Tonight was the sidney days fireworks. a very sad display but the gangs of people everywhere kept it interesting.

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(Wow i look white beside andrea..)

I can't even wait for tomorrow night. this is how its going to go down. Go to the inner harbour. check in to our hotel. go in the hot tub. put on temporary tattos etc. write stuff on our asses. Get changed. pre drink. join the friggin party on the streets and have a sweet time. best holiday of the year hands down. keep it safe kids.

Camping was amazing. as usual. I dont think there's any activity that beats camping. Especially with 10 or so girls. Im pretty much forcing my eyes open right now. there wasnt too much sleep involved last night. We sat on this cliff overlooking the highway for a few hours.. very relaxing and deep conversations were had. it was good times for sure. the night involved a lot of mooning of the other girls and sicking them out. what we do best.

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My ears hurt cause i just stretched them. and i'm eating ice.

Just got home from the hardest test in my life. which is pretty much a guaranteed fail. but i dont care anymore because it's over and im free and theres no more school or anything to worry about except what im going to bring to camping tonight! Holy camping is amazing and im so stoked.

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The car just got dropped off so its officially ours now. Im excited but its standard and i have no clue how to do that yet. in time.

Well Caitlin is slightly annoyed that her brother who is 15 years of age is looking at a car right now with the parents. This is wrong in so many ways. one being i am older and don't have a car! what the fuck is this about? i thought i was the favorite child....

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Went to Vic with the peter. picked myself up a couple of cds. Bloc Party. and death cab for cutie- transatlanticism. very amazing. anyways the bus ride there was quiet because everyone was dying from old.

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Saw Batman. it was good. and dark. and actiony. i liked it.

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I have the hiccups. and slept with my socks on last night.

I got molested by many native animals of Canada. they must be excited because it's canada day on friday.
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Ok so maybe i molested them a little bit too. but they liked it.

EDIT: ok so 10 minutes later the fam comes home with the car.. and they're buying it. and appearently it's mine. or something. and i have to drive my brother in it. this seems a little unfair seeing as its him who picked it but i'm not complaining.
i think its a volkswagon gulf or rabbit or something along those lines. its cleary shitty but cute i would say.
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Well my last few days have been fairly unneventful/slightly on the boring side. But things are about to pick up starting tomorrow. i have a busy week ahead of me that's for sure.

My brother and a friend were watching Man on Fire and i sit down to eat some food. it's the very last 5 minutes of the movie and i started crying into my food. I think his friend thinks i'm crazy or something.. i mean who crys during a movie they haven't even been watching.. anyway.

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I'm making a huge list of cds that i'm planning on buying tomorrow. I will end up only buying three because I feel guilty if I spend too much money. You know how it is.

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i never relised how complicated it is too book a campsite. Maybe it's not and i'm just trying in the wrong places... it shouldn't be too hard but do I have to go to the actual campsite to book it?

I want to get really good at the bass and be in a band with a really cool name. maybe. one day.

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So i thought a cool look for my band would be to get my ass pierced. so i did.

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no i didnt.

There once was a girl from Sidney,
She had an infected kidney.
Whenever she humped,
Her kidney jumped.
She went to get pills,
But lost her skills,
And now she has no kidney.

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I used to photograph trolls in my free time.

Well i was looking through some old pictures. I decided to put some up here because im bored and have nothing better to do with my life. i'm lying i do. but right now this is what im doing...

This is me when i could fly.
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This is me when i played volleyball.
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This is me and my friends when we thought we were cool.
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This is me when i did karate.
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This is me when i wore ugly shirts.
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This is my room when you'd walk in and get a seizure.
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This is me when i had an orange jacket.
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This is me an a pool.
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Saturday was my last full day of work before i leave! i'm such a slacker. Me and Jess rolled on down to the Gary Oak room for some musical geneeuss.

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We only stayed for one song of the vendors... it was too loud and we couldnt take it. Peter's band was next. Suburbia. they rocked the hizzouse. and stuff.

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Kilamanca were pretty good. And for course Black Tie Social was amazing as usual. I've seen them three times now and every and I still can't get over how good they are. I'm really sad i'm missing their next show on June 21st:( If you havent checked them out deffinitely go to their new website or come out to their next show if you're in the area!

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Lat summer my cousins and I made up a word that we would make people pronounce then laugh really hard because it was funny... anyways i couldnt remember it so i asked my cousin and he reminded me. pimg. haha whatever im tired and have to study for my history provincial. 40% of my mark. kill me.

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Ted Tanner. my favorite person. He is amazing and i could stand there all night listening to him. I'm sure he thinks i'm a stalker but whatever, hopfeully he takes it as a compliment. I bought his cd last summer and its awsome. If i knew how to host music i'd put a song up, but seeing as i'm computer handicap that's not happening.

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bloggers going weird and making my pictuers different sizes. nicee

After work a bunch of us rented a movie. Wicker Park. If you havent seen it. see it. it is amazing. actual best movie.

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Tomorrow I have two exams and i havent studied. I didn't think i cared untill now when i'm starting to get a little worried... oh well.

Thursday Night markets start tomorrow and i can't even wait. Last summer I only missed one (sad, i know) its the highlight of summers in sidney. Its so cute seeing our little community get together once a week at these things. Not that they're that exciting, but we make it fun and see people we havent seen in a while. im excited.

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Yesterday we got another guitar... and by got, i mean my brother fixed my dads old one. Its so cute and SO old. its like 100 years old. We gave it new strings and tightened it up and it plays pretty well... kind of.

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About me

  • I'm Cait
  • From British Columbia, Canada
  • My profile

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