i want my baby bat

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Well Caitlin is slightly annoyed that her brother who is 15 years of age is looking at a car right now with the parents. This is wrong in so many ways. one being i am older and don't have a car! what the fuck is this about? i thought i was the favorite child....

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Went to Vic with the peter. picked myself up a couple of cds. Bloc Party. and death cab for cutie- transatlanticism. very amazing. anyways the bus ride there was quiet because everyone was dying from old.

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Saw Batman. it was good. and dark. and actiony. i liked it.

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I have the hiccups. and slept with my socks on last night.

I got molested by many native animals of Canada. they must be excited because it's canada day on friday.
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Ok so maybe i molested them a little bit too. but they liked it.

EDIT: ok so 10 minutes later the fam comes home with the car.. and they're buying it. and appearently it's mine. or something. and i have to drive my brother in it. this seems a little unfair seeing as its him who picked it but i'm not complaining.
i think its a volkswagon gulf or rabbit or something along those lines. its cleary shitty but cute i would say.
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