After a 5 hour plane, a three hour train, a half hour bus, a 7 hour wait at the airport, a 9 hour flight, a 45 minute bus, and a 2 hour ferry i am home and i am alive. which is a good thing. i havent slept in 3 days but it's only noon here right now, and seems to weird too go to bed now.

attempting to sleep in an airport is almost impossible i think. even though at that time of night/morning it was very quiet. the seats smelled like crap, they were uneven, and every 10 minutes a loud obnoxious lady would give the same emergency warning over the speaker erasing any hope of catching any sleep at all. "weeeeoooowweeeaaaaoooo, this is an emergency warning please dont leave any bags unattended blaaahblahh" i wanted to tell her to kill herself because she was a sad lady sitting in a dark room talking like a robot with no friends. anyway
Cyprus was definitely fun. it was incredibly hot, and i was sweating from every pore most hours of the day. we spent most of the time on the beach or other places..
warning: caitlin is not wearing makeup in these pictures. may be painful on the eyes.

We had a little family at the beach we went to. and i loved them even though we never talked. it consisted of an indian family, another family, another family and a man. the man was by himself every day and sat there from morning till night. i didn't know whether to feel sorry for him or not... he had an army hat on and glasses and looked completely dorky, but when he went swimming he took off his glasses etc and he was really hot, so i dont know about him but he was part of our beach family so he was cool.

One day we rented a car and got lost in the mountains, then ended up near the turkey part... and i don't know what's going on up there but something very weird i think. maybe they are in a war and i didn't know but we drove by like 100 army stations with angry men glaring at us with guns and camoflauge and UN trucks driving around everywhere. there was signs everwhere saying no pictures, so maybe its a top secret war or something... who knows.
a minky cat came into our room and i took a picture. its fur was greasy and it was pregnant.

We went to the Baths of Aphrodite which is a pond/bath thing that she appearently used to come and bathe... legend is if you wash your face there, you look ten years younger. i did, but i don't think i look 7 so i think they're lying to us innocent tourists.

the planes were ok, because they showed movies, (fever pitch, hitch and in good company) i thought they were all good. its so hard to get comfortable on a plane and my tailbone is still numb. the lady in front of me had her chair pushed all the way back so she was pretty much on top of me. she kept moving and stuff and you'd think she could sit stilll being a middle aged women etc, but i guess that was too much to ask.
I brought some absinthe back and some more alcohol, which i think is illegal here and is kind of sad because that's all i bought there.
i bought two more cds which are amazingly good. Kasabian and Mylo. deffinitely recomend Kasabian for everyone. Mylo is rad but not for everyone id say
Anyways it was a good trip for sure but im happy to be home. i've never been homesick before but i was this trip, which was weird i think. tomorrow's going to rock because im getting my hair done by my favorite man in sidney, then going to the market.