This post is going to show some ADD i think..
my mom just came in and started saying something like nononono in a weird way and then was like, "hey caitlin i sounded like Fergie!" and i'm like "how do you know who that is?" "Cause i'm with it. I'm a hip mom" "hardly ...but ok"
Makin tea in your underwearYou went out in the yard to find Something to eat and clear your mindSomething bad inside me went awayfunniest thing just happened. Caleigh phoned to give me the number for our travel agent (cause we have to pay by tomorrow ahh) and i thought she was going to get it, and i guess she thought i was getting a pen or something, so we both just sat there in silence for like 2 minutes, untill she was like caitlin? and i'm like oh god we are retards. the end
Celebrity Jeopardy is deffinitely my favorite thing.
things you do with a pencil sharpener
members of Simon and Garfunkle
Countries between Mexico and Canada
potent potables
sharp things
movies that start with the word jaws
Animal Sounds
Your ass or a hole in the ground
"Lets move on to final jeopardy, and the category is.... you know what, just write a number, any number, any number and you win. we'll accept any number, any number at all... a one, or a two, or a three... or how about a four. it's that simple. i now you can do this. Lets start with Fred Stewart who's grinning like an idiot. you look pretty sure of yourself. Think you've got the right answer?"
"Yes i'm pretty sure of it alex"
"well all you had to do was write down a number... and you wrote... ThreEve. Combination of Three and Five. Simply Stunning. and you wagered, Texas with a dollar sign in front of it. I'm speechless. Mr Renolds?"
"ya dont bother, i didnt write anything."
"Good work. alright. Finally Mr Connery, the category was numbers and you wrote... the letter V, well i tell you what my friend, V is a roman numeral and despite your best efforts you answered correctly. lets see what you wagered...'Suck it Trebeck'"
yea cool i dont know why i just typed that all out. god i suck

ok day 2 of post ADD. i just had a brilliant idea. how about i just make my blog all one post. so i start it now say, then publish the post a year from today adding every day. that would be intense. it would probably take a month to load and yes this was the worst idea ever
Just did sweeeet on a bio test, and retested a shitty math test and i think it went well so school is feeling a little better right now. that wont last long but i'll enjoy it while it lasts.
Math + Tea time