Hi my name is Caitlin

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Have I ever actually introduced myself? I don't know, but it's post number 273 so I thought maybe I will do that now and get it out of the way...

Well my name is caitlin, and I'm 18 years old. And I would say that I am not an alcoholic. My parents raised me to be polite, thankful and socially awkward. Or maybe that was just me. I have a brother who is 16, and my parents blame me for making him an "angry person". I have a boyfriend who I met through this blog here. His real name is mostly unknown in the blogging community because of job related reasons. He is the best part of my life. By far. I'm graduating highschool in almost exactly three weeks time. After that I will be free and happy. The summer will be the best yet. Camping trips, tofino, lakes, beaches, sun and the trip to Europe. My favorite foods are definitely the kind that are very satisfying and artery-blocking. But who's aren't? I think pizza is pretty high on that list of food that is good. I like most music, favorites being Tegan and Sara, Matthew Good, Tiesto et cetera. I have two cats. One who is slowly losing control of his bodily functions and the other who still thinks she's a kitten. Favorite TV shows include, The Office, Survivor, Amazing Race, House, and the Apprentice. A reality TV buff appearently. Favorite Movies include, Garden State, Jerry Maguire, Closer, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, You've Got Mail, Proof of Life and When Harry Met Sally. Secretly or not so secretly I'm a pretty big nerd. I'm in a computer programming class where I feel right at home. My friends make fun of me but I bet they don't have the stellar programming skills i do. I have a weird thing about organization... things have to be perfectly planned, ie a busy day is scheduled into my phone pretty much down to the minute. I get really excited about things really easily, especially small things that don't really matter. I cry easier than most people I know. I cry in most movies, including School of Rock... so I don't know what's up there... I don't like wearing socks. Feet should be free. Another reason I'm looking forward to the summer. I don't hate anyone. Hate is a strong word. When I use the word hate, it's usually in the heat of the moment and isn't meant. Although, saying I really really don't like Bush is an undersatement, so i suppose i can use it in this case. Moving on... I work at a garden nursery. I have for 2.16 years now, and August 15th will be my official last paycheque. It will be a sad day but it's time to move on. I've travelled quite a bit, a lot when I was younger which is too bad because I would have appreciated it a lot more now. I lived in Switzerland for 3 months when I was in grade 3. I have relatives in Scotland and have been over there about 7 times now. I miss it. When I was in grade 2 I stole a pack of gum when I was trick or treating and I didn't sleep for 3 nights. I told my dad and then i could sleep. My halloween costumes have always been very different and of course home-made. Weirdest would have to be a table... complete with cups, plates, cookies, and my head was in the middle under a tea cosy. One year me and Jess were siamese twin devils. we couldn't just be siamese twins, or just devils, no, apperantly we had to be both. it was weird. I had three frogs, Frank, Murphy and Phoebe. Phoebe killed herself and we let Frank and Murphy go in a forest to mourne her untimely death. I had a bunny named Hershey who hated humans. Probably because i tried to put her on a leash a lot. My neighbors dog ate her. My first kiss was with a girl when i was in grade 2. In elementary school I would wear tracksuits and purple tights. Sometimes overalls. I had this one tracksuit that was my favorite. It was blue and yellow and said Nike on the back. Last month I saw an old man wearing the same one downtown. I've never met anyone famous. One time Steve Nash was playing soccer in the field next to the one I was palying in and after I waved to him and he waved and smiled. I told my tennis instructer the story and I was all excited. He told me he was working out in the gym wearing a Steve Nash jersey and Steve comes in to the same gym to work out and they talked for 20 minutes and he signed a bunch of shit. Way to shoot down my story you asshole. Pet Peeves= really slow drivers on narrow roads, leaving messages on answering machines, drama, 13, 14, 15, 16 year old girls, waking up early, things that waste my time and loud noises. I had braces in grade 8. Sometimes I wear a retainer when I sleep because my teeth are bad. My dentist is a pervert and I avoid going at all costs. I'm really bad at meeting new people. Sometimes i'm shy. Sometimes I'm really outgoing. I dont know. One of my main character flaws is indecisiveness. I'm really really horrible at making decisions. Wether it be ice cream flavour, what meal at macdonalds to get (that's one of the worst... Quarter pounder?! McChicken!? McNuggets!? I never know!!!!), what to do tonight, what kind of coffee, what to eat for lunch, what to wear, what to say... I hate watching old home movies because I see how crazy I actually was. I was a weird kid, that's for sure. I've played a lot of sports in my life. Starting soccer in preschool and finishing this year. I played, Baseball, Rugby, Tennis, Volleyball, Basketball and did karate for 5 years. I had a blue-stripe. why didn't I just finish and get my black? I wish I had more motivation. I start things I don't finish... I got pretty decent at guitar for a short period of time then gave up. My bass has lain unused for months collecting dust and it makes me sad. I wish I could just stick with something. I want to learn how to actually surf and get way better at snowboarding. weirdest place i've had sex, i guess that would be on the snowboard bus back from the mountain. Favorite actors, Will Farrell, Meg Ryan, Steve Carell, Vince Vaughn and Zach Braff. Best song ever, Hurricane, Bob Dylan. I have a blog because sometimes I get bored and it entertains me. In the near future I'll be getting a new one, that I wont tell anyone I know about, minus Leck and Peter. Some of my friends read it and I deffinitely don't like it. It would probably be a good place for them to see what i've been up to after grad... but if they really want to know they can call me up. This world keeps getting less and less personal.

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