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yesterday was jawsome because it was filled with random events which all blended together to make a random fun day and also chilled with my parents so that was COOL.

Got leck out of bed, got some pizza and subway and caught a BUS downtown, after waiting for an hour for it to come. We caught a bus instead of simply driving because we were expecting a drunken gongshow at The racetrack, where my parents would then drive us home but unfortunately things did not work out in that way.

Walked around a bit downtown, decided to buy a mickey of captain morgans, and a big gulp from seven 11 = fun drinking times. We went to see when Ricky Bobby was playing but it was going to be too late, so we went to Johnny Zees and played some INTENSE TETRIS and also Air hockey. (Shuffle board. but leck got mad when i called it that... anyway) got another big gulp and finished off the mickey at an Electric Music Festival goin on at Open Air. I was pretty confused about the whole thing.... pretty much just watching people on leashes dancing around to the music etc... whatever.

My parents picked us up... we thought we were keeping it pretty cas but later my mom was all way to get drunk in the middle of the day pretty much. oh well. We got to the place and saw some sweet Go-Karts we obviosly had to go on. even though intoxicated.... made for a better time. and SAFER. Some old guy was trying to pass me with his little daughter and I thought it was Leck so i was fingering them then he passed me and im like oh.... innapropriate. but then leck actually passed me and i felt like a grandma driving a scooter so i passed a little girl to make myself feel better. it was good times. tried to have sex in a bathroom but little children were waiting... again, innapropriate. We tried to find where they were selling beer at the racetrack but appearently they are fags there so none was to be had.

My parents were so stoked about the races and stuff and it was pretty sweet untill my back started hurting and also my eyes. there were dirt bikes and demolition cars and demolition trucks and demolition figure eights and we saw 2 guys get run over and lecks cars always seemed to win. also my moms. my dads would always crash and get last.

went back to lecks, drank some beer, watched some snl and random movies on YouTube/will farrell ones then went to bed. leck was swearing in his sleep and im like umm whats wrong and he's like, its ok im just drunk in my dream.... ok? haha

alrighty im ouuuutta here laterr

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