I drove the truck to school today, cause it's better than a minivan and the VW has to go get checked out cause it sucks. well i love it but it sucks. I'm officially the worst at parking ever.
oh ya funny thing... me and meghan were leavin the school and these guys started pointing at us all sketch and i thought they were making fun of the truck cause it's shitty and i didn't even know them so i'm like PEACE and rolled out but when i braked my coffee cup flew off the roof and across the parking lot. i laughed for so long. i guess they were pointing at my mug... oh well it didn't brake so it's all good. You can bet i'll do that every second day...
Kluge and KP picked themselves up some silver razrs, so now we match. except mine's black. ummmm drove down to Saanich today. stopped in at Thrifties cause at that one you can buy 10 reese peanut butter cups for $1!! ok you can't get much better than that.
I've had a headache for like three days now and it wont go away! :( i took some pills that were in my purse, i didn't know what they were, but they couldn't be anything too bad. i think they helped.
It's supposed to snow tonight. i'm assuming we wont get much, if any... but if we did...wow. extreme exciting.

Almost got kicked out of english today for laughing so hard for so long. i couldn't even control myself. everything was funny and jaime was making downsyndrom faces across the class. ok i guess that not funny... but well ya it was.
UM my mp3 player is now offically broken. I feel so lost without it. all i did was listen to music, and now there's none and i feel like crying. i'm going to ask the parents for an ipod, because obviosly i don't have the funds to take control of this situation.
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