In search of Sunrise

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OK THE TICKETS TO EUROPE ARE OFFICIALLY BOOKED!!!!! which means it's official, no turning back now. This is awsome and i'm freaking out excited. Flying in to Paris, down to Barcelona, over to Ibiza, up to Switzerland, to Amsterdam, over to Londan and back to Vancity! Jawsome. We are going to rock it over there.

I'm drinking tea and thinking about the issue(s) in my life right now. which are... /is money. I'm trying to figure out how I can save enough for Europe... I think I can do it, especially now since my parents said they can cover my flight costs untill I can pay them back. But i just got my phone bill from the Mexico month and it's like 100 bucks extra, and thats only from my cell phone where I didn't make any actual calls. I still havent got the amount due for the calling card I used everyday! aaahhhhh.

not really looking forward to this weekend at all... maybe tonight, since i'll most likely be drunk and forget about the money situ. and tomorrow night since we're going to the Immaculate machine show... but i'm working all day tomorrow (hungover) and sunday, which I don't usually work so i'll be all bitter about being there etc + i wont see Leck untill sunday nightishhhh and that's going to be depressing and sad....

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