i have 2 friends in my training class. one is a 60 year old man named chris and the other one is Jason. i was sitting with them at lunch and this other girl and i went to put my parking pass on the truck and when i came back chris was like, "we were talking about you" and i'm like "umm, ok..." and he said "don't worry it was good" and the chick was like " yea it was really good" and i'm like um why are these people even talking about me, thank you for making my lunch an awkward experience... He said i was very adept and about 100 other things, that i don't remember because i tried to block the situation out of my head.

Oh and the reason i now have friends is because they moved me from my loner window seat to the other side inbetween those 2. i miss my parkade view.

2006 3 Barcelona (56)

it's not even that the job is that bad... It's like school but I'm getting payed for it. I drink coffee in the dark on the way to work and get to watch the sunrise on a parkade from the window of my second floor classroom.

i don't know what's giving me this stressed/uneasy feeling in my stomach. yes i have a job, but i want a better one. is there ever going to be a good enough job? maybe. not anytime soon.

I think i did this all wrong... I think i was supposed to save up money, then go to school like the rest of my friends, then eventually work towards a job i will be happy in. and yes i know i'm 18, but i feel like i'm wasting a year working a shitty job/ multiple shitty jobs that aren't really getting me anywhere.

i need to get up at 5:30 tomorrow so i'm already up too late. sleep tight. i'll try too.

BTW i start a new job tomorrow and I want to cry. I haven't worked in over 4 weeks, and also this is the first job i've worked since my very first job at a little garden nursery. It's at West. Not really looking forward to it but it has to be done. I'm going to be working 7-2:30 for the next 6 weeks, training, then on to the regular schedual of 8:30 to 4:30.


I'm going to wake up at 5:15 tomrrow, cry, drive in the dark to work to get there early to pick up my "identification badge" and "parking pass", then sit at the back of the classroom, avoiding all possible contact with anyone whilst crying on the inside. It will be a great day.

oh. i have to go make my lunch because i don't want to get fat at this job, i heard it happens so no vending machines or microwave meals for me.


I got Flickr and uploaded some pictures from Europe.

2006 1 Paris (87)

The other night my parents had a dinner club at our house. they do this thing where 6 famillies or so get together every few months and have a dinner at different houses, and there's always themes and they all dress up and get drunk. this time it was at our house and the theme was cowboy.

sometimes they get kind of competitive but our themes always suck, so this year my dad decided to get a keg. who knows why since there were only 3 families coming. they had little competitions like shooting a pellet gun at targets, and bows and arrows, etc, all that cowboy type stuff.

anyways i turned out to be the best at the pellet shooting and shot the picture of my dad in the middle 3 times. i think everyone was a little scared.

obviosly the keg didnt get finished off because there was like 5 people drinking out of it. so we drank a lot of beer over the next few days.

god my family is a gong show.

i worked for 9 hours today... at my old job that i had quit. oh and it was raining. i said i'd cover because a couple of them were going to a garden show in vancouver. i guess i wouldnt really call what i did today work, the only shitty part was that it was cold and raining but i could take cover and drink hot chocolate when it got bad. i took almost a 2 hour break then a 5 hour one after that... i dont know when i'll get paid... i'm guessing it will be in cash.

I need to make the phonecall that will start me on a 9-5 but i'm scared to pick up the phone. i do really need to start making money so i can pay off the few thousand i owe and start saving so i can move out.

i also need to upload pictures but im too lazy, i also can't find the time which is weird because it's not like im doing much, i don't go to school or work...

i'm just on here because im waiting for leck to come over. he has to beat the queen on starfox first ;) the good thing about him moving back to his mom's is its about a 1 minute drive from my house. we're going to make dinner and my mom suggested we play some games tonight so maybe we'll bond it up with the fam and put on a fire. celebrate fall a day early.

funny story (not):
I got a bit of a stomach in europe. nothing to scary or anything but the whole time im like uhggg i need to eat healthy my tummys getting big. and the whole time leck was like shutup you're not getting fat and my aunt was like um no. anyways the second i come home my mom tells me my dad thinks i'm pregnant. thanks dad

My gums are eroding away thanks to the labret piercing. eroded gums! it's what i always wanted! anyways the guy said i couldnt do anything about it except put a plastic backing in that might be easier on them. if not i have to take it out before my teeth fall out. that would be awsome. so it looks like this piercing will be short lived, but at the moment i look like a g-unit because its a diamond.

I watched my grad dvd the other night. it made me tear and smile. i loved my grad class. everyone was so close + frickin funny. always good times. anyways now that i'm back home it feels weird and i feel lost, friends have moved away, i didn't get to say bye, others are going to school and i haven't done anything. i still don't have a job and i'm pretty sure i need to find one fast because of the amount of money i now owe my parents.

Yesterday i helped leck move and we watched SURVIVOR with my parents. The amazing race is starting, as is House and The Office, so it's back to the old fall routine of letting the tv schedual determine my social life. i'm perfectly fine with that. if a friend calls me during survivor THEN THEY'RE NOT A FRIEND! they should know their place....

btw my favorite team are the asians.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

today was a pretty shitty one, had a bad morning with my mom and then i was in a bad mood. went shopping with leck, he got some dress shirts and pants.

my parents are having a dinner group tomorrow and the theme is Western... or cowboy or something, so i'll be there to steal appetizers and watch adults make drunken cowboy fools of themselves. always a good time. me and leck will be space cowboys.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

we're finally home! i thought those last couple days would never end, not that they werent fun but the part where we missed our plane sucked. and also sleeping in the airport and having the plane delayed...

The trip was amazing, so many memories and so many pictures. I'm just starting to try and organize them. it's a pain naming them all but i think in the long run it would be worth it.

I realised so much over the course of the trip, and deffinitely came back with some new insights to life. but all that is boring really.... just some good things i can change in my life...

I woke up at 8 this morning, i've already done two loads of washing and i'm trying to think of something else i can do to feel productive. I'm going to buy a new toothbrush today because mine is really gross and smells like mold from the toothbrush holder.

I'm also trying to think of what I can do with all of the pictures we took. maybe i'll just host a few of them somewhere because there are too many really...

breif overview of the trip....

2 nights in Paris, 2 nights in Nice, 3 nights in Barcelona, 1 night in Brussels, 4 nights in Amsterdam, 1 night in London, 7 nights in Scotland, 2 more nights in london. one was spent in an airport with a sore tailbone.

oh yea, and Leck Shaved his head in brussels. + now has a beard.

ps. we missed our flight back to Canada. we'll hopefully be back on wednesday. FUCK

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  • I'm Cait
  • From British Columbia, Canada
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