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I have exherted more energy this weekend than i have in a year combined. Friday night was our first soccer game, I felt like a grandma by the end and i think i pulled my hip. We won 4-0 or something. On sunday we played an OVER 35 team. There were 8 of us, and 18 of them! it was freezing and i was still very sore from the other night. They were 2 divisions higher than us and we were pretty much prepared to get killed. There were some pretty butch ladies out there with names like Pam and Judy. I think my check was a midget, not that it matters, but she was better than me and they scored 5 goals in the first 10 minutes. To make a long story short we forfeited part way through the first half when one of our girls sprained her ankle.

I went snowboarding yesterday with meghan, got up at 3:45 am and caught the bus. Snowboarding days are always so long it's exhausting, but worth it. Everything was so funny and it rocked.

I went to lecks last night to shave his head and watch heros but i felt like i was going to throw up everywhere and then i puked in his back yard. classy, i know.

Me and leck rented the illusionist the other day and at the movie place they were selling the new Final fantasy for $24! it was used but barely and I got really excited. This guy that was working there thought it was for leck and was talking to him about it, then he's like actually it's for Caitlin and the guy looked really weirded out and didnt say anything. awkward city. more like geek city.

Im not going to play it for a while, for a few reasons, i havent beat number 10 yet and my FF skills arent' quite up to par. cool

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